Grades 7-10
Accountancy, Business and Management
Humanities and Social Sciences
Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering
Information and Communications Technology
Some papers on the CVIF DLP
M. V. Carpio-Bernido and C. C. Bernido, "Science Culture and Education for Change I: Innovative Strategies for Secondary Education in the Philippines," Trans. Nat. Acad. Sci. & Tech. Philippines 26 (2004) p. 243.
M. V. Carpio-Bernido and C. C. Bernido, "School-based Innovations: Our CVIF Experience", Invited Talk at the Karunungan Festival of the UNESCO National Commission for Social and Human Sciences on July 7 & 8, 2007, at the Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines.
M. V. Carpio-Bernido, "In Situ Curriculum Adaptation and Reform: Balancing World-class Targets, Meager Resources, National Policy and Culture in a Developing Country," Invited Lecture at the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, in celebration of the University of the Philippines (UP) System Centennial, UP National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED), Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, October 28, 2008.
M. V. Carpio-Bernido and C. C. Bernido, "CVIF Dynamic Learning Program: A Systems Approach to Process-Induced Learning," in epiSTEME 4 International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, HBCSE Mumbai, India 2011; http://episteme4.hbcse.tifr.res.in/proceedings/strand-iii-curriculum-and-pedagogical-studies-in-stme/bernido-bernido
M. V. Carpio-Bernido, C. C. Bernido and C. C. Porio, "The Learning Physics as One Nation Initiative: Bypassing the National STEM Teacher Shortage," Ibid., http://episteme4.hbcse.tifr.res.in/proceedings/strand-iii-curriculum-and-pedagogical-studies-in-stme/bernido-bernido-porio
C. C. Bernido and M. V. Carpio-Bernido, "Essentials Over Peripherals: The CVIF Dynamic Learning Program," in Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs, Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects 55, B. Panth and R. Mclean AO (Eds.), Asian Development Bank (Springer, 2021)