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 News and Events > Seminar Series With Dr. Tanvi Chheda

Seminar Series With Dr. Tanvi Chedda


On June 30 to July 6, 2022, CVIF hosted a seminar series for the incoming Grade 12 students of the school. The speaker was Dr. Tanvi Chheda, a Science Corps Fellow ( who now works as a Data Scientist with Meta (Facebook). Dr. Chheda got her Ph.D. in Geological Sciences minor in Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, California.


The seminar series had four sessions. The first session was about the Introduction to Earth Science attended by STEM students. The second, third, and fourth sessions were about Datasets and Programming Tools, Data Science Application in Business, and Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, respectively, attended by ABM, STEM, and ICT students.


In SY 2020-2021, Dr. Chheda was involved in the Research/Capstone Project for Grade 12 STEM and ABM. She collaborated online with CVIF SHS instructors, Drs. Chris and Marivic Bernido (Ph.D., SUNY, USA, Physics), Dr. Janneli Lea Soria (Ph.D., NTU, Singapore, Earth Science), Ms. Kimverly Ranoco (BS Chemistry, UP Visayas), and Ms. Sherry Indino (BS Management, UP Visayas) for the supervision of research projects of STEM and ABM students. 

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